Saturday afternoon we went ahead and bought passes to the Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately, Brooks missed out on the Welcome to Disney train b/c he fell asleep on he walk to the park. It was the first super nice weather in the area of the year and.... that, led to big crowds and long lines. Brooks didn't seem to mind. We took him on just about every ride except Space Mountain which was not my favorite. Despite the fact that most of the rides are in the dark, Brooks could have cared less. Here is a picture of him on the It's a Small World ride.
We also stopped and ate lunch at a Cuban restaurant. Brooks enjoyed eating some chicken soup and plantains.
Also Sunday, we went to the Animal Kingdom hotel. There is a big backyard with a few animals on site which is pretty neat to see giraffes walking nearby.

On Monday, the final day of our trip we went to Epcot. We went on a few rides here as well. These are a little more educational based and less of a thrill. We did go on one Dinosaur ride that thankfully Brooks slept through. It was very loud and potentially scary. Plus, once you are in there is no out until it's over. Disaster averted.
It was a great trip, first family vacation together. I can't wait until Brooks is a couple years older and can really enjoy the characters of Disney. He did better than expected riding in a stroller and being carried around everywhere. Once we returned to the hotel he would let loose and his personality really blossomed over the few days. He started talking more saying dada, baba and laughed a lot.
On Monday, the final day of our trip we went to Epcot. We went on a few rides here as well. These are a little more educational based and less of a thrill. We did go on one Dinosaur ride that thankfully Brooks slept through. It was very loud and potentially scary. Plus, once you are in there is no out until it's over. Disaster averted.
It was a great trip, first family vacation together. I can't wait until Brooks is a couple years older and can really enjoy the characters of Disney. He did better than expected riding in a stroller and being carried around everywhere. Once we returned to the hotel he would let loose and his personality really blossomed over the few days. He started talking more saying dada, baba and laughed a lot.