We are now a family of four. Carly Alexa arrived October 20th at 7 in the evening. She weight 7lbs and 12 oz. Yes, a big baby for 3 weeks early. I describe her delivery as fast and furious. Much, much different than my experience with Brooks. Let's just say the epidural didn't work and now I know why woman in the movies scream.
In many ways taking care of Carly is like riding bike. Memories of Brooks came rushing back. Her personality, however, is vastly different. The most notable difference; she cries. Fortunately, it's only when she's hungry or tired. She's also the biggest social butterfly I've seen in a four month old. Her smile lights up her entire face and it's contagious. She giggles and is starting to laugh more out loud, especially when you tickle under her arms.
Brooks came to the hospital to meet his littler sister which he refers to as "baby." He didn't know what to think about her, but he did laugh, point and show a little affection. Then is was quickly back to jumping on the bed and launching himself onto the floor.
Brooks is still adjusting to Carly and the attention she receives from me or Justin. He does very well for an almost two year old. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when she starts crawling or walking.
Despite their gender differences both Brooks and Carly do look alike. I put together a calendar for Carly comparing the two with similar photos. She definitely has the feminine touch, but you can't deny they are related.
Brooks didn't let Carly steal the spotlight the day she came home from the hospital. Less than 8 hours later we went back because Brooks needed stitches. He slipped in the bathtub and hit the corner of his mouth. It looked like his teeth went straight through his lip. Of course we had a brief debate over whether or not he should go to the ER. Justin and his mom voted yes. I said, "he's fine." And, the deciding factor, my sister Joanna said "that looks deep." Ha, ha. Unfortunately, I could not go which meant the two biggest worry warts had to buck up and go. I tried to take a few pictures of his wound, but as you can tell someone was not in the mood.
I have yet to decide if I will just update the title of this blog or create a second one. I need a catchy title for either scenario.
Welcome to the world Miss Carly A.