Well, tonight (3 days later) we tried rice cereal. He started sucking his 5 ounce bottles dry on Saturday so I bumped him up an ounce which he gladly took. A couple of times over the weekend he ate the whole 6 ounces and seemed to want more. So I thought maybe we'll give cereal a try.
Part of my hesitation comes from my sister, Joanna's, experiences with her daughter, Lena. Let's just say rice cereal didn't work for miss Lena Loo, but Brooks took it like a champ. Keep in mind the first feeding we tried, he'd been awake for 2 hours and was fussy because he was tired. It did cross my mind that I should have waited until he was a bit more manageable, but we went with it anyway. Brooks actually ate 7-10 half spoonfulls of cereal. I thought he did really well, for something that tastes like paste.

I tried a second round of rice cereal after he took his 8pm bottle. Again, he sucked down his 6 ounce bottle and went straight for his hands. This time, I made a teaspon of cereal and he ate all of it... and, this time with a smile. :)