Sunday, August 22, 2010

4 Month Birthday

Brooks turned four months old on Friday (August 20th). I felt like I needed to throw a party. The day before we went to the doctor's for his 2nd round of immunizations. I love how they make you strip down the kid before sticking him on the scale... don't they realize he's a boy? I mean, I'm frantically trying to hover my hand over his lower region for any shooters, hoping he doesn't spray everything. (Note: He's not much of a shooter right now... even in the bath tub.) Anyway, here are his stats:

Weight: 14.12
Height: 25 inches
Head: 42 cm (I'm assuming cm, because inches would mean he's got problems.)

Compared to other babies, he's right in the middle. 50% across the board. I was relieved to hear this because he was a bit on the short side during his 2 month exam. We may have a wing man instead of a point guard. :)

The immunizations went well. He started crying after the first shot and the second shot just made him plain mad. His face turned red and he did the silent cry before finally taking a breath. Definately more crying than his 2 month check up.

The 2 hours at the appoint timed out well b/c by the time we left he was ready for a nap. As you can tell in the picture, he had enough for the day.

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