We went to the doctor's office on Thursday (14th) for his 3rd set of immunizations. Brooks is such a trooper. He didn't even wince during the first two shots and he only cried for a few seconds after the second two shots. (Yes, he got four... one was the flu shot)
27 inches (75%)
17.5 lbs (50%)
44.5 cm (75%)
Bottom line: tall, skinny kid with a big head.
Brooks has picked up a few new tricks in the past few weeks. One that is fun to watch, but he doesn't do on demand... is the zerbert sound. This is something I would do with him when he was first born b/c it would make him smile... so, Justin blames me for his ability to make this new sound.
Brooks learned to roll over from his back to his stomach a few weeks ago. (Video in a previous post) For weeks I was excited for this to happen so that he would be able to sleep on his stomach. The first few nights were a little rough b/c every time he made it to his stomach he would wake up crying. Now, the stomach is the only way to go (with the butt in the air).

A couple weekends ago we went to a wedding. Brooks is usually pretty quiet in public, but when we returned to the hotel room after the reception he became a bit hyper. Justin used his silliness and hate for Miami to get Brooks laughing.
Finally, Brooks found his feet a few months ago, but now he can suck on his toes.