Brooks is a natural at posing for pictures. Maybe we will see him in a Baby Gap ad some day. Our super duper friend, Tara, purchased a new camera recently and asked if should could practice using it by taking photos of Brooks. I didn't really need to think about it b/c of course!
Tara tooks the first batch of pictures when Brooks turned 2 months old. He actually went to the doctor's that day for his first set of immunizations.
The second set of pictures came off the cuff a few days before Brooks turned 3 months old. Tara came to the house for about an hour to watch Brooks while I went to the grocery store.
The last few pictures happened a few weeks ago the day before Brooks turned 5 months old. Tara came to the house to take a few "naked baby" photos. She did a phenominal job using the natural light to bring out the best in Brooks.

OHHHHH! Thank you so much for posting these. Made my heart happy, just to look at them. Sometimes I see expressions of yours on his face. It's so wonderful to see your life unfold with all this joy.:)
ReplyDeleteawh! My little Brooks! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I hope the family enjoys them! I can't wait to schedule a family shoot! Maybe a Saturday or Sunday around 5:30 on Folly! Great lighting