Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Baby Seal

Yes, I'm talking about Brooks. He became our baby seal late Friday night when he came down with croup. It's a horrible upper respiratory virus young children get from colds. If you aren't familiar with this virus, wait until your child coughs. It sounds like a barking baby seal. We ended up taking a trip to the Emergency room Friday (November 26) night.

He woke up around 11pm coughing (like a seal). He had such a hard time breathing that we decided to load him up and quickly (no speeding) drive to the hospital. When we arrived the nurse used an external thermometer which said Brooks had a 104 fever. The nurse then said, "this thing never works." Nice.

They whisked us into the back where Brooks received his first rectal temperature. 101.5. A few minutes later we went to room 18 where we would spend the next 2 1/2 hours. During that time the nurse gave Brooks some Tylenol, a steroid which caused him to spew all over the floor, more Tylenol, a breathing treatment and then another type of steroid. Brooks took it like a champ.

This first picture is when we first got into room 18. In the hustle of leaving the house we forgot his diaper bag. Thank goodness the hospital had a diaper to spare... unfortunately, no change of clothes for the massive amount of throw up that ended up down his front side.

This is video of Brooks during his breathing treatment. He was so tired and not too happy with steam blowing into his face.

The second video is Brooks shortly after his breathing treatment and a 15 minute nap. Most of the time you would rather not see your baby hyper at 1am, but everyone who passed our door stopped to say hello to him. What a ham.

We finally left the hospital around 2am. We had to make a quick stop at CVS to pick up a medicine cabinet for Brooks. Not bad for our first trip to the ER.

1 comment:

  1. oh no! My little man! I hope he much better now. I can't wait to hear about his FIRST Christmas!
