Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 Year and Counting

We celebrated Brooks' first birthday. In the process of the annual party we avoided a trip to the ER overnight and just ended up in the doctor's office. Yes, we spent his first Thanksgiving in the ER with Croup and now his first birthday with a double ear infection. I guess if you don't go big, go home. Right?

Brooks started breaking out into a fever around 1pm Tuesday and it continued to hover around 102.5 throughout the night. He threw up once at which point we called the after hours service at his pediatrician's office. Thankfully, the nurse asked a bunch of questions and educated us on all things fever.

He woke up the next morning with no fever and I felt relieved that he could enjoy his birthday. Not so much. About an hour later the 102 fever came back so Justin took him to the walk-in hours... also a first for Justin.

Brooks spent the day filled with pain reliever and Amoxicillin. He did crack a few smiles and the playfulness came in short waves. We were able to sneak in a quick birthday party which included a cupcake, song and a couple of presents. He did very well digging into the oversize Elmo cupcake and eating what he could of it. It lasted all of five minutes before he wanted no part of it. Here are a few photos from the night.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bathtub Diving

Brooks really enjoys bath time. It's a relief b/c I know it's 30 minutes where he will just sit and play without crawling into my lap and whining. We do have to be careful about his desire to stand in the tub. Thankfully, I think he's starting understand the command "sit" quite well.

The other day, he started sticking his face into the water. I wasn't sure what to think at first... wow, he's so brave, I can't believe he's blowing bubbles... oh wait, he breathed in the water and now he's choking. Justin wasn't watching so no need to panic. Instead, I just let him cough it out and let him continue to stick his face in the water. Ha, ha.

I'm pretty sure he wanted to chew on the washcloth b/c after he decided he had enough of breathing in water he finally picked up the rag to put it in his mouth.