Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sibling Shots

Over the past few months I've taken a few snapshots of Brooks and Carly together. Many people tell me Carly is starting to look more like Brooks as she gets older. I've always felt like they shared similar features, but their similarities are definately becoming more apparent. The first four pictures are mid to the end of May. Carly is 7 months old. The last four pictures are during the July 4th holiday where Carly is now 8 1/2 months old. Take a look:

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Next Michael Phelps?

He may not be an Olympic swimmer, but Brooks is in no way afraid of the water. We introduced him to swimmies/floaties over Memorial Day weekend. The only problem... he's ready to jump in the pool with or without them. On the other hand, if you can get them on his scrawny arms quickly, you don't have to chase him around to make sure he doesn't jump in and drown. He loves the water and doesn't even mind getting his head wet. Unfortunately, the video is sideways so you will have to crook your head a bit to watch it.

Since then, we have been to our community pool numerous times. The other day for the 4th Brooks was in the water before Justin had finished putting on his sunscreen. Swimteam just might be one of the many activities Brooks participates in as a child.