Sunday, May 15, 2011

Big Brain???

Brooks went to his 12 month wellness visit a couple weeks ago. Bottom line: he's tall, skinny and has a giant head.

Height: 31 1/4 inches (90%)
Weight: 23 lbs (50%)
Head: 48.5 cm (97%)

Yes, compared to other children the same age, Brooks' head is just about larger than every other kid. Let's cross our fingers it's because he has a giant brain.

Doctor's visits typically take a couple hours no matter what time of day you go. Thank goodness that never seems to bother Brooks. In fact, we played "knock the book off the chair" game for at least 20 minutes. He laughed so loud, I'm surprised none of the nurses came in to find out what he found so funny.

Brooks also started walking. Although he's not a total champ at it, he will choose to walk over crawling... unless he face plants into the floor and then it's full on commando. The first video shows his Frankenstein like movement. The second video is Brooks attempting to walk in flip flops. We planned to take a trip to the beach and I thought it would fun to dress him appropriately. Unfortunately, the shoes didn't stay on long and never made it to the beach with us.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

She'll be Coming Around the Mountain...

Monkey has learned how to sing. And, Brooks loves it and at the end he gives Monkey a hug. The first video Justin is singing the song and you will notice Brooks actually claps to the beat a couple of times. I sing in the second video. This was the third round of the song and Brooks found it so funny that he had a hard time sitting up.