Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Fountain of Spew

The first time it happened I sat in shock and awe before rushing to grab a towel. Brooks not only "spit" (kind of a lame word when you're talking about an entire 4 ounce bottle) up, but it shot at least 2 feet across the couch. I've heard stories about projectile vomiting, but there is nothing like experiencing it for the first time.

Shortly after Brooks ate he started drooling milk out of his mouth. Then, slowly it continued and much like a volcano he exploded. Holy Mackrle I thought... now I have to change clothes, Brooks has to change clothes, we need a new couch and now he needs to eat... again.

We've had two other similar experiences and my reaction hasn't changed. I did manage to capture the 2nd erruption for a future scrap book page.

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